Saving Private Jersey

Serendipity : The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.

Known examples: penicillin, the microwave oven, tarte Tatin.

And let me add, my Pyjashort. : D


It all started by a love at first sight during a Agnès B sale : Juliette and I fell on this neon jersey. Hysteria, ideas coming from everywhere and especially, adorable negotiation with a reader of my blog who agreed to share the end of the roll with us. (I do not remember your name, but we thank you again! ❤). We leave with our coupon in hand, already dreaming of a stylish 90’s Moneta, that I will wear with small sneakers.

Jersey is medium thick, with very little drape. And my radar “ALERT UNFLATTERING GATHERS” who was not activated in time, the result was predictable: my Moneta’s ugly.

I understand, too late, that a half circle skirt would have been more flattering. But having already optimized my lay plan for Juliet, I have no more fabric left. I’m tired, it’s late and I imagine to draw a 1/4 circle skirt in the pattern of a gathered skirt. I cut something that vaguely looks like a 1/4 circle skirt. And the result is clear: it’s ugly, it’s too small and worst of all: it’s too tight.

In a desperate impulse, I restore my gathered skirt and pull out my trump card: box pleats. The result is … um … I let you judge by yourself.

The result left me somewhat doubtful, halfway between the stylistic idea found on LSD and the ugliest thing ever sewn. I questioned, seek the opinion of all members of the family and end up having enlightenment: “it’s a little nightgown anyway … but … wait … and night clothes, wouldn’t it be great ??? ”


(Hihihi yes I am very proud of myself. D)

The catch was super easy: I just recovered the top of Moneta, which I added a hem band, like in Ondée. (Thank God I kept a tiny bit of fabric to cut my neck band!)


And I simply cut a short in the skirt.

To do so I used the109 short from Burda July 2011.

Ultra simplified here: I have not sewn pockets, and redrawn the contours of the hem so it is just right. Having no place on my left fabric to draw the seam allowances around the pattern pieces, I copied a 40size at the waist, expanded to a 42 on the hips. And the fit is great !

For lack of fabric again, the belt is thinner than that provided by the pattern. I replaced the elastic by 2 eyelets and a neon green cord.

Conclusion: it’ll probably seem foolish, because there is no technical difficulty in this set, but I’m really proud of this work. Having had the foresight and the courage to insist at the failure to obtain a very cute set, and for once, very helpful (I really need this kind of outfits and of course, I never take time to sew): fate still do great things. 😉


(Here you must imagine Paul on my left who makes faces to make me laugh. ❤)

Good weekends girls, take good care of you! ❤


  1. Dalia says:

    What a fun fabric! It is sad about the Moneta, though I think your Pyjama with the heels would work for a casual day too. But pretty Pyjamas are also important! (Typing this in my old grey T-Shirt with holes…. 😉 )

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