Summer Miette

After how many successful knittings the OMG feeling evaporates ?? No because, here, it’s kinda hard for me to realize I achieved to knit another wonderful Miette !

And yes, it’s you! One that wanted to give up knitting a thousand times, one whose husband watched half amused half-contrite undo dozens and dozens of rows gently saying “well, you know how to sew, but would you be kind to stop this? It’s not for you…”. Yes it’s you. Proof that valiant heart, nothing is ever impossible!

I definitely think my brain understands better the English knit than the French one, surprising as it may seems. I do not know if it’s the same for the others patterns, but Andi’s are so easy, your work is dictated link by link, no need to think. As I’m used to knit watching TV to relax, this is exactly what suits me. And when the teaching meets the style you love, I want to tell you, Champagne!

Well, seriously, so back to Miette: I need a small cardigan to wear on my summer dresses, in cotton. So I chose the Paris yarn from Drops, Ecru. No problem to knit this yarn: it splits a little when you pick up the stitches, but nothing nasty.

As with the first copy, everything went very well. I just had a problem on the sleeves with the magic loop. After knitted my first sleeve, we can see distended stitches at the junction of the magic loop. Heavy heart, I unraveled my sleeve, looked for a tip, but not find much, just knit very tight at the junction. What I did later:

As you can see, the sleeves still do have some distended stitches, but it is less obvious than on my first sleeve. This was not the case with my first Miette because cotton yarn emphasizes this type of imperfection. Do you have any tips to avoid this kind of mishap?

Edit of my post: following Moineau16’s comment, I bought Hiya Hiya mini circular , 9 inch, but I was unable to knit with, it was too small for me. : D Or you have any good tips here too?

This time I chose the size 38, and the fit is ok. I was so scared to enlarge when blocking, I steamed it with damp cloth (thank you IG girls for your valuable advice!) And it was perfect.

(“Not the moment to button the wrong hole, let’s concentrate !” 😀 )

Speaking of buttons, they come from La Droguerie : they are in light wood, untreated. Exactly what I was looking for this ecru cotton. And I have not forgotten to change the first buttonhole so that it is centered with others!

Conclusion :  if I tell you that a new Andi’s pattern is on my needles, are you surprised? Not me ! ❤ And I already know the next, and the next-next, and the next-next-next … if that’s not kniting love, then I do not know what it is. ❤

A good week-end Girls take care. ❤


  1. Dalia says:

    That’s a lot of endurance! And well worth it for this beauty and it looks so cute with the dress!
    I started knitting a super simple cardigan, without sleeves and any decorations. I didn’t even care about warped loops here and there… And it was the ugliest thing and I had to undo it three times after hours and hours and wanted to burn the whole thing in the garden. My mother-in-law, who is a professional knitter, offered to finish it for me… I am really sticking to sewing.

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